Cds du duo Di Mosole-Neuhauser


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Critique de mon dernier Cd par Chris Dumigan


BARRIOS: La Cathedral: Estudio de Concierto: DI MOSOLE: Prelude; L’Amitie;Brazil; La Vita;Recordando; Deux Bacchianas; Valse de l’Adieu :Garrigues; Bailarina:SEMENZATO: Choros: MONTES: Preludio de Adios: PERNAMBUCO: Sons de Carilhoes: MYERS: Cavatina

Home Produced: 216820/SDM005

French guitarist /composer Serge Di Mosole has written many works over the years and produced recordings, some of which I have seen. Here, he begins his recital with two pieces from the great Barrios both extremely well known from many other recordings, but our player does a fine job of both, and as is often the case with Barrios, there are some subtle differences between his performance and others I have heard before. Then the first of his own compositions, homage to Barrios, which is flowing, melodic and a very pleasant 2 minutes with a few unexpected key changes along the way that caught my attention! I have come across a small amount of Domingo Semenzato’s pieces before and here his Choros is very melodic , always on the move, as a Choros , usually is, and a lot of fun. Then there is a sad piece of lovely writing by Alfonso Montes, his Preludio De Adios, which is a work I would like to see the sheet music for. Joao Pernambuco’s famous Sons de Carilhoes, a piece I have played many times, gets a superb performance, and is always a wonderful piece to play or listen to. Then apart from the final track, the next 12 tracks are all works by our performer. Di Mosole’s music s always very warm, lovely harmonies and melodies and here, he doesn’t disappoint at all. There is the opening piece L’Amitie, very Latin – influenced, as is the next track, Brazil, which is fast moving and a lovely piece of writing. The four movement suite La Vita takes us on a journey through many feelings and moods and is over far too quickly at a few seconds under 7 minutes. Recordando is an arpeggio driven work with a lovely flow to it, and occasional dance like elements. Next comes his homage to J.S. Bach in Deux Bacchianas, immediately in a very Bach – like style, and serious in their content, the first a Prelude and the second an Allegro. His Valse de l’Adieu is in all but name an Argentinean Waltz in its style, beginning in the minor key, and moving to the tonic major halfway through, and is another lovely piece. Garrigues is another gently flowing piece that has some fine moments, nice harmonies and warm sounds. His final composition is Bailarina, which is a quick waltz with a lot of melodic movement and interesting harmonic details. The recital finishes with Stanley Myers’ Cavatina, a work which surely everyone knows. It gets a nice performance and closes the album perfectly.

This is a fine album of some lovely music, most of which you will probably not know, but here is the chance for you to get to know it. Nicely played and beautifully recorded, it deserves to be on your list of recordings to purchase.

Chris Dumigan


Dernier Cd solo "Opus II"    

4 1 2 3

Dupli cd dvd

Au Programme des pièces de A.M.Barrios - A.Montes - S.Myers - D.Semenzato - J.Pernambuco et 13 nouvelles compositions dont certaines dédiées à Raul Maldonado, Jean Verly, André Simony, Alexandre Bernoud.


Hello Serge and Christophe

Congratulations for your prize!

Please send me more information to include it on our website.

Best regards,

Blair Jackson 


Rc strings web artistas borde reducido

                        Photo serge

Dernier Cd solo "Opus II"             


Pochette cd 1 copier


H.V.Lobos - A.Lauro - A.Neves - A.M.Barrios - M.Temerario - J.C.Oliva - Di Mosole



Christophe neuhauser


Christophe neuhauser pochette cd

Christophe Neuhauser joue le répertoire hispanoamericano

Albeniz - Tarrega - Rodrigo - Malats - Semenzato - Pernambuco - Lauro - Lobos - Ponce



Cd duo de bach a piazzolla

Le duo Di Mosole-Neuhauser joue le répertoire baroque à nos jours

"De Bach à Piazzolla"

Bonjour Serge,

Votre CD avec Christophe est arrivé! C'est merveilleux! 


Blair Jackson 

"director of classical guitar magazine" (states)

Arnaud Dumond  "concertiste-compositeur"

le CD est superbe d'énergie, de timbres, de vivacité. Bravo à vous deux

Eric Franceries "concertiste"J'ai écouté votre Cd avec beaucoup de plaisir. Ces oeuvres sont magnifiques et interprétées magistralement. un Grand Bravo à tous les deux.
Bien amicalement

Éric Franceries


Cd 3

Serge Di Mosole joue ses propres compositions solos et duos

 double album de 60 compositions

"La noche argentina dédié à Jorge Cardoso"



Sont disponibles à la vente le Cd solo de serge Di Mosole au prix de 15e frais postaux inclus - le Cd Duo au prix de 15e frais postaux inclus - le double album de 60 compositions au prix de 17e frais postaux inclus

pour toutes commandes vous adresser à:  Serge Di Mosole par mail: - paiement par chèque 



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